Monday, December 8, 2008

Our Kid's Future is Paying for The Bail Out

I was out with a friend yesterday who is a teacher. I guess we all knew that we were paying for the bail out of the banks and the auto companies but personally I hadn't yet got my head around how. So this friend of mine informed me yesterday that they are trying to get some of the money anyway out of the education system by demanding as much as $1 million or more out of each and every school district. This is a total and utter disgrace and I am hopping mad. Our education system is already suffering in comparison to some of our international counterparts and now we want to make it even worse?

Perhaps this is why the bail outs are so wrong. We are trying to prop up institutions in the short term and paying for it with the future of our children and our country.

When will it end?

Apologies to anyone who noted (quite rightly) that this particular annoyance has very little to do with shopping. I just had to write about it because it seems so wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Further, grants are being cut left and right for medical research! The future of our health and educational status is being sacrificed for big business and pollution-creating vehicles! Come on government - let's get our priorities straight and bail out those who actually will create a future for our country vs. take it away.